Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Rosaiah assures protection to industry as Telengana hots up

Hyderabad, Sep 14 : With the Telangana issue hotting up again, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister K. Rosaiah Tuesday assured full protection to the industry.Addressing the captains of Indian industry, Rosaiah said Hyderabad and Andhra Pradesh were safe places for investment. He said steps would be taken to ensure that the agitation for a separate Telengana state does not come in the way of development. "You need not entertain any sort of doubts. Government always prepared to extend all support to the industry. We stand by industry," he told the national executive committee meeting of Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI). Rosaiah was responding to the apprehension voiced by Harsh Mariwala, chairman and managing director of Marico Limited, in the background of statements by pro-Telangana groups that a massive movement would be launched after Dec 31. "This type of agitation should not come in the way of development. Let us think of development. Hyderabad and Andhra Pradesh is safe place for investment," the chief minister said. He pointed out that his government provided protection to IT/ITES sector in Hyderabad and Visakhaptanam when some of the firms were planning to shift their operations out of the state due to the agitation early this year. Rosaiah said the government of India would take a decision in the larger interest of the country after receipt of the report of the Srikrishna Committee, which it constituted to study the problem and look into different angles. "The government of India after listing to various sections and after conducting a through study through Srikrishna Committee will take a decision. Everyone must respect the final decision of the government of India," he said. The five-member panel constituted by the government in February this year is expected to submit its report by Dec 31. Rosaiah told the industrialists that demand for separate Telangana state was not new. "Earlier also this demand came. There were agitations but ultimately the government of India announced a package and kept the state united," he said.

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