Sunday, May 22, 2011

Majils not to pursue politics of murder, says Asaduddin Owaisi

Hyderabad, May 22 : Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (MIM) will not pursue the politics of murder to avenge the assassination attempt on its leader Akbaruddin Owaisi, but wants a probe into the attack, says party president and older brother Asaduddin Owaisi.The MP was addressing a massive public meeting organised by the party at the First Lancer neighbourhood here Saturday night to condemn the April 30 attack."MIM never believed in the politics of murder. We don't want to turn Hyderabad into another Rayalaseema," he said referring to the bloody faction war in Rayalaseema region.He, however, said the party would give a fitting reply if the rivals resorted to another physical attack on the leadership. "If they do it again, no graveyard in the city will accept their bodies for burial," he warned.Thanking people for their prayers, which, he said, gave new life to his younger brother, Asaduddin called upon people to socially boycott elements which are committing murders and repression.Alleging a deeprooted conspiracy behind the attack to eliminate the strong Muslim leadership in Hyderabad, he said Akbaruddin, the MIM legislature party leader, has been at the forefront of raising his voice against injustice and repression.The MP targeted editors of two Urdu dailies saying they were morally responsible for the attack. He said MIM exercised restraint even when the two newspapers published insulting cartoons of the leaders.He claimed he has all the details of who hatched the conspiracy of the attack, how many meetings were held and who attended them.Akbaruddin was stabbed and shot at in the attack by a group of 10 to 15 assailants April 30 when he was visiting his Chandrayangutta assembly constituency. The young leader was discharged from hospital Friday. Asaduddin said he would undergo another surgery after six weeks.MIM, which has been dominating Hyderabad politics for four decades, has seven legislators in the Andhra Pradesh assembly.

President Obama Pledges Comprehensive U.S. Support for Transitioning Arab World

USA-May-21,(Deccan Samachar) This afternoon, ISNA President Imam Mohamed Magid and Muslim Youth of North America President Amin Gharad joined leaders from across the nation at the State Department for President Obama’s address on the Middle East and North Africa. ISNA welcomes President Obama’s strong support for the people of the Arab world as they struggle to develop their new democracies and become free of oppressive dictators. The President’s message has remained consistent on this issue: the United States will not support any nation that chooses oppression for its people, and we thank him for his persistence in support of the Arab people.While the President reaffirmed the commitments he made in his 2009 Cairo speech, ISNA also welcomed the comprehensive plan he delivered to support the newly emerging Arab democracies, along with his promises to provide economic, political, and humanitarian support to these nations as they strengthen their education, economic, and political institutions. Most importantly, we supported the President’s position in support of a universal code of human rights.“The United States opposes the use of violence and repression against the people of the region. We support a set of universal rights. Those rights include free speech; the freedom of peaceful assembly; freedom of religion; equality for men and women under the rule of law; and the right to choose your own leaders – whether you live in Baghdad or Damascus; Sanaa or Tehran,” said President Obama.These peaceful revolutions have united people of all faiths, gender, and race, around universal human rights, and we support any policy on the part of these nations and the United States to ensure that people of all faiths are free to pray, speak, and live in the new Arab world. Here in the United States, ISNA has forged partnerships with national interfaith leaders, most recently through the Shoulder-to-Shoulder Campaign, to support religious equality here in the U.S. and has repeatedly condemned all acts of violence motivated towards religious minorities abroad.In his speech today, the President made a strong distinction between the people of the Arab world and the leaders of the Arab world, an important clarification that ISNA and Muslims across the world have been making for years as we provide outreach and education to the public on Muslims and Islam.“The story of this Revolution, and the ones that followed, should not have come as a surprise. The nations of the Middle East and North Africa won their independence long ago, but in too many places their people did not. In too many countries, power has been concentrated in the hands of the few,” said President Obama. We were reassured to hear the President reiterate that it has been the mis-guided actions of Arab dictators, not Arab people in general, that have for too long, oppressed the people of the Arab world and tainted the image of peaceful Arabs to other nations along the way. “We were pleased to hear the President’s promise that the U.S. would not put the interests of those in power above the desires of those oppressed and his comprehensive plan to support reform in the Arab world as the people free themselves of oppression. However, we do continue to worry about the rising levels of violence used against peaceful protesters in countries like Libya, Syria, and Yemen, along with the continued plight of the people of Palestine,” said ISNA President Imam Mohamed Magid.ISNA is an active partner in a large interreligious coalition, the National Interreligious leadership Initiative for Peace in the Middle East; which is committed to providing active leadership to help achieve Arab-Israeli-Palestinian peace by way of supporting the President's plan for a two-state solution.Imam Magid added, “We sincerely hope that President Obama will translate his promises today into action, and press for a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, put an end to settlements, occupations, and oppression across the Arab world, and implement foreign policies that are fair and just.”

Ahamadullah Minister for Minorities Welfare,"The Launch of Seaplane Bases and its corelated technologies"

Hyderabad,21th.May(Deccan Samachar)"The Launch of Seaplane Bases and its corelated technologies of 'Air Excel Tech' took place on the 21.05.11 at 7 PM by the Hon'ble  Minister for Minorities Welfare,Wakf, Haj &Urdu Academy Government of Andhrapradesh Ahamadullah.The CMD of the company Sri.Manish Kapoor and the other Director Dr.Smt.Indu Kapoor are seen
along with the Hon'ble Minister in the photographs attached.These corelated Technologies of Seaplane Bases are legally copyrighted tech's owned by the company M/s Air Excellence Aviation Pte Ltd,India.The brouchure of the Tech is updated on the official website which can be downloaded or printed by companies / government arms willing to sign an order / contract with the company.The Seaplane Bases Technology document being the fourth technology launched along with its corelated Techs launched in series will now be marketed technology by the company officials (PHOTO BY RSJ THOMAS)