Tuesday, September 14, 2010

India too large a country for any alliance: PM

Backing the modernisation of defence forces, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Monday underlined his commitment to preserving India’s “strategic autonomy” and stressed that it is too large a country to be boxed into any alliance.“We have always prided ourselves on preserving our strategic autonomy, and this is an article of faith for us,” Manmohan Singh told the combined commanders’ conference in the capital.“India is too large a country to be boxed into any alliance or regional or sub-regional arrangements, whether trade, economic or political,” he said.Putting India’s economic transformation at the heart of the country’s foreign policy and strategic orientation, Manmohan Singh said in order to sustain 9 to 10 percent growth rate and to modernise its infrastructure, India needs to “maintain healthy relations with all major powers”.Commending the armed forces for their contribution to the country’s security, Manmohan Singh said: “Our Armed Forces deserve the best and I wish to assure you that the government will make every effort to ensure this. No country can make progress without ensuring its security and territorial integrity”.The prime minister also strongly endorsed the growing demand for much-needed modernisation of defence forces. “As our economy grows and our technological capabilities expand, we must set higher standards for the modernisation of our defence forces,” he said.“It is not enough for us to keep pace with change. When it comes to defence capability, we must be ahead of the technology curve,” he stressed.Defence modernisation, the prime minister said, must involve the full chain starting with updating war fighting doctrines to meet new threats to security, preparation of appropriate staff quality requirements and creating a broad-based production and delivery infrastructure on the ground.

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