Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Rashtriya Swamyamsewak sangh chief slams Chidambaram’s ’saffron terror’ remark

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Rao Bhagwat Tuesday slammed Home Minister P. Chidambaram’s “saffron terror” comment, saying it sends out “wrong message” to the world about India.

“The word saffron terror doesn’t exist for me. The Home Minister’s comment on saffron terror is sending out a wrong message to the world like Pakistan being called a rogue state. Do you want India also to be called so,” Bhagwat told reporters at the Indian Women’s Press Corps here.On Aug 25, Chidamabram, while addressing a conference in Delhi of police chiefs from different states, said: “There is this recently uncovered phenomena of saffron terrorism that has been implicated in many bomb blasts of the past.”

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