Friday, October 28, 2011

Official Date for Eid Al-Adha Announced

(USA) 29th,Oct,The Hajj Authorities have announced the official day of Eid al-Adha to be Sunday, November 6, 2011. That means that today is the first day of the Islamic New Year, of Hajj, and also the start to the ten most blessed days in the whole year. For those of us who are not able to make Hajj this year, we are still blessed with ten of the holiest days in the year, where Allah multiplies all our good deeds by 700. Just like during Ramadan, we can make sure the extra blessings of Allah are not lost by fasting, giving charity, reflecting in extra prayers, extending forgiveness, and engaging in good deeds all day long.Some of our ISNA youth in MYNA compiled a list of resources to better educate and inspire our community about activities we can engage in during these ten blessed days. We would like to share those resources with you and pray you enjoy a blessed month.