Friday, August 13, 2010

Ayodhya issue cannot be resolved by the courts: Singhal

Vijaywada, Aug 13 : VHP International President Ashok Singhal has said the persistent issue of Ayodhya cannot be resolved by the courts and elders of the Hindu and Muslim communities should sit together to resolve the problems.He made it clear the Hindu organisations would approach the apex court against the judgement of the Allahabad High Court in the Ayodhya title suit, expected to be delivered later this year year, if the verdict is not in favour of them.Vishwa Hindu Parishad International Secretary General Praveen Togadiya appealed to Hindus to come forward with determination to check the massive conversions of Hindus into Christianity.After inaugurating a five-floor building complex of the VHP, which is the biggest office in South India, Togadia charged that the Christian countries had earmarked Rs.65,000 crores per year to carry out religious conversions in a massive scale in the country.Even though their massive efforts, they could achieve meagre results as Hindus are expressing reluctance to convert, Mr Togadia said.'' What is unfortunate is that the evangelical campaigners, hailed from Hindu families only,'' he regretted.

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