Thursday, July 29, 2010

Setting up of New Training Camps by Lashkar-e-Taiba

(PIB NEWS) July,29,Government has seen reports that the Lashkar-e-Taiba has expanded its operations in Afghanistan and set up training camps. Government continuously monitors the existence and operations of terrorist groups that target India and Indian interests. Government has consistently raised with its international partners, including the Government of Afghanistan, the issue of existence of terrorist sanctuaries in the region which target India and other countries. The Communiqué issued after the Kabul Conference, co-hosted by the Government of Afghanistan and the United Nations, also referred to combating terrorism by ending support, sustenance and sanctuaries for terrorists. Government of India has comprehensively reviewed and enhanced security measures for the safety and security of our personnel and other Indians working in Afghanistan. It is also in regular touch with the Government of Afghanistan, which has assured necessary security for Indians in that country. Government is committed to taking all necessary steps to safeguard the nation’s security. This information was given by the Minister of External Affairs Shri S. M. Krishna in a written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha today.

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