Thursday, July 29, 2010

PM’s statement at the Joint Press Conference with his British counterpart

(PIB NEWS) July,29, It is my great privilege to welcome the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom His Excellency David Cameron on his first visit to India. Prime Minister Cameron has a distinguished political career. He brings with him the finest qualities of leadership and a bold vision for Britain and a better and safer world. His presence here, so soon after his election victory in May this year, indicates the strength of the bonds that tie India and the United Kingdom. It also demonstrates the Prime Minister’s strong personal commitment to take our partnership to an even higher level of understanding and purpose. Our discussions were wide ranging, warm and extremely productive. We share the same vision for a renewed and enhanced partnership between our countries. To this end we have agreed on specific initiatives in the areas of economy and trade, science and technology, energy, education, defence, culture and people to people contacts. We have decided to constitute an India-UK CEOs Forum and an India-UK Infrastructure Group. We will work towards doubling our trade in five years. Building upon past experience, we have also agreed to launch a new phase of the UK-India Education and Research Initiative. We will intensify bilateral exchanges at all levels. India and the United Kingdom are natural partners to shape a better world. If we join hands together, we can make a meaningful contribution to addressing the challenges of poverty and development, reform of global institutions, terrorism and climate change. We also reviewed the regional security situation and developments in Afghanistan. There was agreement between us that today terrorism constitutes the single biggest threat to the region and to open and pluralistic societies like ours. We have agreed to further intensify our cooperation in the area of counter-terrorism. Finally, I conveyed to the Prime Minister that the people of India look forward to the Commonwealth Games in Delhi which we hope will further strengthen the spirit of the Commonwealth. With Prime Minister Cameron’s visit we have set in place a new momentum to drive our partnership forward. I have no doubt that this will be good for both our countries, and responds to the wishes and aspiration of both our peoples.

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