Tuesday, June 1, 2010

ISNA Condemns Israeli Massacre On Board of Gaza Freedom Flotilla, Calls for End of Illegal Blockade

(DECCAN SAMACHAR SERVICE) June,01, The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) condemns the unwarranted deadly use of force by the Israeli military against unarmed humanitarian ships in international waters. The ships, Gaza Freedom Flotilla, were bringing badly needed supplies to the people of Gaza who have been under a choking and illegal blockade by Israel for the last three years. Over 700 peace activists of all faiths, from America and around the globe including academicians, law makers, and Nobel Prize winners were aboard 6 ships carrying over10, 000 tons of humanitarian supplies to the people of Gaza. Turkish customs, who inspected the ships prior to departure from Turkish ports, assert that no weapons were on the ships.The international community and the United Nations have condemned the irresponsible actions of Israeli commandos and the flagrant violation of international humanitarian law by Israel. However, many rights groups assert that the lack of any real consequences for the continuous violation of international law has given Israel a sense of impunity and has made any progress towards peace and justice in the Middle East more distant. ISNA calls on president Obama and Congress to demand an end to the illegal and inhumane blockade of Gaza and to launch an investigation into the massacre in order to hold those responsible accountable for the murder of at least 19 (according to many media outlets) and the injury of over 60 civilian peace activists. ==============================================

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