Monday, April 26, 2010

Women Beggars and Prostitutes,

(PIB NEWS)The number of women beggars hauled up in NCT of Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata during the last three years is 319, 1818 and 19 respectively.A study on Girls and Women in Prostitution in India conducted between 2002-04 with the support of the Ministry of Women and Child Development had estimated that there were about 1,50,000 to 2,00,000 prostitutes in 6 metro cities of Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Mumbai. The Government is already taking a number of measurers for economic empowerment of women which help in prevention of such destitution. A scheme ‘Ujjawala’ is being implemented for prevention of trafficking for sexual exploitation and also for rescue and rehabilitation of victims. In addition, Swadhar Shelter Homes provide shelter and other facilities such as food, health care etc. to women in difficult circumstances including trafficked victims. The States also have their own schemes and programmes to prevent such destitution. This information was given by Smt. Krishna Tirath, Minister of State(Independent Charge) of the Ministry of Women and Child Development in a written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha today.

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