Monday, April 26, 2010

PM’s Statement to the Media at the Joint Press Meet With President Hamid Karzai

The Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh and the President of the Republic of Afghanistan, Mr. Hamid Karzai, at the joint press conference, in New Delhi on April 26, 2010.                          (Photo by PIB No.CNR -31404)
(PIB NEWS)Following is the statement of the Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh at the joint press meet with the President of Afghanistan, Mr. Hamid Karzai:“It is a great honour for me to welcome His Excellency President Hamid Karzai to India on his first visit to India after his re-election as President. I have had extremely productive discussions with President Karzai. We discussed a broad range of bilateral and regional issues of mutual interest. We exchanged views on regional cooperation in the context of forthcoming SAARC Summit and our common vision of freer and more unfettered regional trade and transit. Greater economic integration has the potential of transforming our region. India and Afghanistan enjoy a strategic partnership based on unique historical and civilizational bonds and shared goals. I conveyed to President Karzai our deep admiration for his courageous leadership in difficult times, and our support to the Government and people of Afghanistan as they build a strong, peaceful, democratic and prosperous Afghanistan. India believes that this process should be led and owned by the Afghan people. We reviewed the development partnership between our two countries. India remains committed to assisting the Government and people of Afghanistan in their efforts towards the reconstruction and development of their country. I conveyed to the President that India is ready to augment its assistance for capacity building and for skill and human resources development to help strengthen public institutions in Afghanistan. We discussed the issue of terrorism, which threatens our region. President Karzai assured me that the Government of Afghanistan will take all possible measures for the security of Indians in Afghanistan. We were of the view that the attacks of February 26, 2010 in Kabul were the handiwork of those who do not wish to see the emergence of a strong, independent and pluralistic Afghanistan. I conveyed to President Karzai that the perpetrators of such attacks will not succeed in undermining India’s commitment to assist the Afghan people. I look forward to continuing to work together with President Karzai for further enhancing our close cooperation. This is in the interest of our two peoples and peace and stability in the region and beyond.”

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