Thursday, February 18, 2010

Talk to opposition first, then to Pakistan: Modi

Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi Thursday asked the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government to first talk to the opposition on national security issues and then to Pakistan.

Intervening on the national security resolution presented by Arun Jaitley, Modi said: “The UPA government is saying that since we are a mature democracy, we are ready to initiate talks with Pakistan. But I am saying, the UPA is very keen to talk with Pakistan but has no time to talk with the main opposition (party).“I demand that the central government first talk to us and then move forward for talks with Pakistan.Modi’s comments came a week before foreign secretaries of India and Pakistan meet in New Delhi. India had earlier insisted that it would not talk to Pakistan until the latter stopped supporting anti-India militant groups. The BJP is opposed to any dialogue with Pakistan.
Modi alleged that the Congress-led government was not serious about battling terror. He asked the government not to treat terrorism casually.
====================================(thanks to way2online) =====

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