Wednesday, May 18, 2011

QADIYANI'S condemns Owaisi statement

Hyderabad, May 18: The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat (AMJ) today condemned the statement made by the Hyderabad MP Asaduddin Owaisi at a public meeting at Khilwat recently that the Qadianis (Ahmadie) and two editors of Urdu dailies were involved in the conspiracy behind the murder attempt on his younger brother and MIM legislator Akbaruddin Owaisi.Mr Owaisi was shot and stabbed by his rivals in Barkas on April 30.a release here, the Jamaat, while condemning the attack on the life of the MLA, refuted the allegations made by the MP and stated that it had no role to play either in paying a sum of Rs 1.5 crore for planning the assault on the MLA.In the entire history of the Jamaat, it had never indulged in any activity that was illegal or contrary to the law of the land, or any activity that went against the teachings of Islam."We would like to point out that the Jamaat is under continuous attack by a section of the Ulemas for the last four years by making false and malicious allegations against our teachings," the release said.


  1. Tuesday, 3 May 2011
    Peace: Muslims met with tolerance when promoting religions message of peace in Philly

    Among the throngs of New Year’s paraders on Broad Street between City Hall and Washington Ave, 27 Muslims distributed a leaflet containing a simple yet impactful message: “Muslims for Peace.” These Muslims, members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, passed out over 3,000 leaflets explaining Islam’s categorical rejection of terrorism.

    This campaign is an ongoing international effort that has roots over 100 years old. The community’s founder, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, preached the peaceful jihad of the pen and intellection, not a jihad of destruction and violence.

    Part of the group’s success on New Year’s Day is owed to the warm reception and tolerant attitudes of Philadelphians. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community hopes to remain a positive force in the City of Brotherly Love by continuing its campaign for peace and soon launch a campaign for American loyalty.

    The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a dynamic, fast growing international revival movement within Islam. Founded in 1889, it spans over 195 countries with membership exceeding tens of millions. Its current headquarters are in the United Kingdom.

    Source/Credit: Delco Times, Letters. By Wajeeha Choudhry. Jan 4th 2010


  2. Press Releases

    March, 2011
    Ahmadi Muslim killed in Pakistan - Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat International - March 21, 2011
    February, 2011
    World Muslim Leader praises role of media after sectarian attacks - Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat International - February 15, 2011
    Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat responds to killing of 3 Ahmadi Muslims in Indonesia - Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat International - February 07, 2011
    December, 2010
    Ahmadi Muslim brutally killed in Pakistan - Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat International - December 27, 2010
    October, 2010
    Arson attack on Ahmadiyah Mosque/Houses - Jemaat Ahmadiyah, Indonesia - October 2, 2010
    September, 2010
    Ahmadi killed in suicide bomb attack in Mardan - Ahmadiyya Foreign Mission Office, Vikalat Tabshir, Pakistan - September 5, 2010
    Ahmadi Muslim Killed in Suicide Bomb Attack in Pakistan - Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat International - September 4, 2010
    August, 2010
    American Citizen Murdered in Pakistan due to Government Sanctioned Religious Extremismn - Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, USA - August 19, 2010
    US Citizen Killed in Religiously Motivated Attack in Pakistan - Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat International - August 19, 2010
    Another Ahmadi Muslim doctor brutally martyred in Karachi - Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat International - August 17, 2010
    Former Pakistan Federal Minister says persecution of Ahmadis ‘un-Islamic’ - Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat International - August 16, 2010
    June, 2010
    Clarification — 86 Ahmadis died in the Lahore attacks - Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat International - June 12, 2010
    High Commissioner offers condolences to Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at - Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat International - June 7, 2010
    May, 2010
    Murder of another innocent Ahmadi in Pakistan - Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat International - May 31, 2010
    Death toll rises to 94 following Lahore terrorist attacks - Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat International - May 30, 2010
    Up-date on the massacre of Ahmadi worshippers in Lahore - Ahmadiyya Foreign Mission Office, Vikalat Tabshir, Pakistan - May 31, 2010
    94 Ahmadi worshippers slain, 80 injured in sectarian terrorist attacks on two Ahmadiyya mosques in Lahore - Ahmadiyya Foreign Mission Office, Vikalat Tabshir, Pakistan - May 29, 2010
    Terrorist attacks on Ahmadi Mosques in Pakistan - Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat International - May 28, 2010
    Ahmadi Muslim Killed in Karachi, Pakistan - Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat International - May 26, 2010

    "Even though we are doing prayer for them to come in right path Allah will show them right path-"

