Monday, May 30, 2011

Auto strike from May 30 midnight

Hyderabad, May 29 : Telangana Auto Drivers' Joint Action Committee (TADJAC) today appealed to the auto drivers to participate in the 'auto bandh' from May 30 midnight to press for their demand of hike in fare in tune with the increased fuel prices.TADJAC convenor Mohd Amanullah Khan said the income of auto drivers has come down and affected their livelihood due to non-revision of auto fare in tune with the hiked diesel and petrol prices.He demanded that the minimum auto charge should be hiked to Rs 20 from Rs 14 and from Rs 10 to 20 per kilometer afterwards.Mr Khan said sealing of auto meters should also be stopped immediately until further increase of auto fares.He also demanded cancellation of e-Challan system, which was launched to target the auto drivers. The government also has responsibility to find a permanent solution to the problem of auto parking in the city, he added.

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