Monday, September 13, 2010

Chavan, Shiv Sena criticise Salman for 26/11 comments

Maharashtra Chief Minister Ashok Chavan Sunday criticised Bollywood actor Salman Khan for his statement on the 2008 Mumbai terror attack, noting the rich were not the only victims.“Apart from the Taj and Oberoi hotels, the attacks also took place at the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (CST) and other spots where the not so rich were also killed,” Chavan said.“I don’t know what Salman has said about the involvement of the Pakistani government, but (the sole surviving terrorist Mohammad Ajmal Amir) Kasab’s arrest and the court’s verdict have made it clear that the conspiracy was hatched in Pakistan. There is no room for his or anyone else’s opinion when the court’s verdict is out,” Chavan added.The opposition Shiv Sena also condemned the comments by the actor, saying they insulted all those who died in the attacks.“The attacks were not specific to any hotels of elite gatherings. The attack was on the sovereignty of India as a nation. Salman’s comments are an insult to our country and the martyrs,” Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut said.The party has demanded an apology from the actor.Salman, who invited flak for his comments in an interview to a Pakistani channel that “too much hype” was created around the 26/11 attack as “elite people were targeted” and that the Pakistani government was not behind it, has since apologised for his remarks. He insisted that they were “twisted” and he did not mean to “hurt anybody’s sentiments”.“The interview has been twisted. I saw it myself, the way it is coming across on TV, it is sounding insensitive. I was just saying life is equal for both rich and poor, some attacks get more media coverage and some don’t. Why is that? Every human life is important,” Salman, 44, told Aaj Tak news channel.“I did not want to hurt anybody’s sentiments and if I have hurt anybody’s sentiments then I am really, really sorry,” he added.

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