Tuesday, August 24, 2010

LSP asks govt to celebrate Telangana Liberation Day on Sept 17

Hyderabad, Aug 23 : The Lok Satta Party (LSP) today demanded that the Government must celebrate Telangana Liberation Day officially on September 17 since integration of Telangana with the Indian Union was a continuation of the country's freedom movement.Addressing a media conference, party leaders Katari Srinivasa Rao and Eeda Chennaiah recalled that both Maharashtra and Karnataka celebrate September 17 as the Liberation Day in the districts, which were under Nizam's rule earlier and became part of those states following the states' reorganisation. ''None should ignore that September 17 was the day when the country was actually united,'' they said.''September 17 should be an occasion to introspect to what extent the present day leaders sought to realise the dreams of those who fought for the Nizam state's liberation and union with India. We don't know what happened to the children of Sardar Patel who integrated the princely states with the Indian Union. ''We do not know the inheritors of K M Munshi and Vellodi who served as Governors of the Hyderabad state. The children of Burgula Ramakrishna Rao, the first Chief Minister of Hyderabad, did not live off their father's reputation. Even the children of Mahatma never ran after office. Raj Mohan Gandhi became an MP in his own right and not as a Mahatma Gandhi's scion. In contrast, present day politicians viewed politics as a means to enrich themselves and further the growth of their children and grandchildren and not to serve the public. It is such politicians who are mortgaging the country's freedom and not left wing extremists or terrorists. The Telangana Liberation Day should inspire every one to work for uprooting the politics of loot and plunder and dynastic rule and ushering in people-oriented politics,'' they said.The party leaders announced that LSP President Dr Jayaprakash Narayan would take part in a sit-in at the municipal office in Ongole as part of the party's programme to organise demonstrations at all municipal offices on August 25 demanding elections to urban civic bodies on time. The party's demands include direct election to the positions of municipal chairpersons and Mayors, elected ward governments, and corruption-free rule.

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