Saturday, August 14, 2010

GHMC Commissioner launches APREDA's Green Channel initiative

Hyderabad, Aug 14 : Mr Sameer Sharma, Commissioner GHMC, today launched AP Real Estate Developer's Association's (APREDA) 'Green Channel Initiative at ESI Hospital here by flagging off the process of shifting 30 trees from ESI to one of their member's site location, 'Green Grace'.As a part of the initiative, APREDA launched its 'Adopt A Tree Save A tree' campaign by starting the process of translocation of trees. The area comprising the ESI quarters was being cleared off its almost 200 trees to accomodate an upcoming medical college. There are five to eighty years old trees at of different varieties, including Bauhinia, Tabebuia, Peltophorum, Chinabadam, Peepal, Jackfruit, Amla and Jamun, at ESI. Anybody wishing this cause can plant such old trees in their premises. Translocation of a tree involves safe uprooting of a grown up tree along with its roots dug up all around like a ball of earth and then planted at an alternate location. This systematic process takes about a month's time and needs to be carried out under technical supervision.Trees are renewable source of energy. The value of a tree that lives for 50 years generates Rs 5.3 lakh worth of oxygen, recycles Rs 6.4 lakh worth of fertility and soil erosion control, and creates Rs 10.3 lakh worth of air pollution control and Rs 5.3 lakh worth of shelter for birds and animals. Besides it provides flowers, fruits and lumber. So, when ever one tree falls or is felled the nature losses something worth more than Rs 32 lakh, a release from GHMC said.

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