Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Andhra Pradesh CM Rosaiah New charge as Vice Chairman of SZC

Hyderabad, Jul 13 : Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Dr K Rosaiah has been nominated as the Vice Chairman of the Southern Zonal Council (SZC) by the Government of India.Dr Rosaiah who, assumed charge as Vice Chairman, thanked the Centre for the gesture. The Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Nadu.M Karunanidhi was holding the post of Vice Chairman till now, according to a release from the Chief Minister's office here today. The Southern Zonal Council comprises of the States of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and the Union Territory of Puducherry.The Union Home Minister is the Chairman of each of these Councils.The Chief Ministers of the States included in each zone act as Vice-Chairman of the Zonal Council for that zone.The Zonal Councils provide an excellent forum where irritants between Centre and States and amongst states can be resolved through free and frank discussions and mutual consultations. The main objectives of setting up of Zonal Councils are (a) Brining out national integration; (b) Arresting the growth of acute State consciousness, regionalism, linguism and particularistic tendencies; (c) Enabling the Centre and the States to co-operate and exchange ideas and experiences; (d) Establishing a climate of co-operation amongst the States for successful speedy execution of development projects.The idea of creation of Zonal Councils was mooted by the first Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru in 1956.

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