Tuesday, June 8, 2010

ISNA Joins Religious Leaders to Condemn Illegal Medical Experimentation on Detainees

(Deccan Samachar Service) June 08, A report was issued today by the Physicians for Human Rights (PHR), which details evidence of illegal experimentation on detainees captured after 9-11, in the form of torturous medical experiments, performed by healthcare professionals working for the U.S.Military and intelligence agencies during the Bush administration. The comprehensive PHR report described the methods of "enhanced interrogation techniques" used by medical professionals to determine the "breaking points" for detainees. This information was delivered to the Department of Justice to amend the current laws in a way that legalizes these gross acts of torture and medical negligence from prosecution. ISNA condemns the acts of torture inflicted by these medical professionals. These acts directly violate their sworn oath as physicians to protect human life and alleviate human suffering. ISNA condemns the actions our government to effectively legalize this torture and turn their backs on upholding both the spirit and letter of the constitution.ISNA praises the Physicians for Human Rights and their dedication to protect all people from illegal and damaging misuse of medical skills and experiments to inflict pain instead of alleviating suffering. ISNA joins Physicians for Human Rights and other religious leaders to demand a Commission of Inquiry to investigate the misuse of medical skills and the acts of the Department of Justice in relation to this case. ISNA President, Dr. Ingrid Mattson, will join other leaders in a press conference about this issue tomorrow morning.ISNA is a founding member of the National Religious Campaign Against Torture, an organization that also supports the courageous report issued by the Physicians for Human Rights. For more information on the press conference,the PHR Report and the National Religious Campaign Against Torture, ================================================

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