Saturday, May 29, 2010

Rupees 605 crore under 'Pavalaa Vadee' scheme loans to SHGs

Kakinada, May 29: Andhra Pradesh government has fixed Rupees 605 crore as the target for extending loans under the Pavalaa vadee scheme to the SHGs in East Godavari district during the current year, district collector M Ravichandra has said.Presiding over the bankers' district level advisory committee meeting here yesterday he assured the bankers that the administration would extend all assistance to them for total recovery of the loans.A community based recovery mechanism had already been introduced for this purpose. He advised the bankers to ensure that each branch adopts one village and extends assistance to villagers for their economic uplift, formulating suitable plans. NABARD assistant General Manager Somayajulu said the banks would face difficulties in sanctioning loans to SHGs unless the recovery mechanism was improved and sought the cooperation of the district administration to lay more stress on this aspect.

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