Wednesday, May 5, 2010

India likely to give Kasab judgment copy to Pakistan

India is likely to provide Pakistan a copy of the judgment of the Mumbai special court that held Pakistani terrorist Ajmal Amir Kasab in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack. According to home ministry sources, the judgment will help the Pakistan government take action against Jamaat-ud-dawa chief Hafiz Saeed and Laskhar-e-Taiba commander Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, the masterminds of the Mumbai attack that left 166 people dead and 244 injured.While Lakhvi is in Pakistani custody, Saeed is still free.A special court in Mumbai Monday pronounced Kasab, the lone terrorist caught alive during the Nov 26-29 carnage, guilty while acquitting two Indian co-accused — Fahim Ansari and Sabauddin Ahmed. The quantum of punishment is likely to be announced Thursday.The court also found the involvement of 20 other Pakistanis, including Lakhvi, Saeed and Abu Hamza, in the 26/11 terror attack.India has given several dossiers to Pakistan, urging strong action against Hafiz Saeed. Pakistan has, however, claimed that the evidence provided was not strong enough to stand scrutiny in court.

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