Sunday, May 2, 2010

City police on tenterhooks following terror threat

Hyderabad, May 1 : The city police continued their relentless anti-sabotage checks and anti-terror vigil in the wake of central intelligence inputs that extremists were hatching a plot to target commercially-thriving cities in the country, including Hyderabad.The Intelligence Bureau alerts followed the bomb blasts in Bangalore and Pune recently.The City Security Wing Police conducted a mock drill to test the preparedness in shopping malls to tackle any terrorist strike.The security also issued notices to those shopping malls which were found wanting in security systems, police sources said.Public address systems have been installed in vantage positions in shopping complexes, busy market places and places of worship.People have been alerted to take precautionary steps and inform the police about any bomb-like objects and persons moving under suspicious circustances. The City Security Wing Police frisked passersby, particulary those aged between 18 and 35 years in arterial roads. The City Police had directed private shopping malls to frisk all visitors before allowing them inside.

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