Friday, April 9, 2010

Lok Satta warns against adopting casual approach to T demand

Hyderabad, Apr 9: Warning against adopting a casual approach to the demand for Telangana, the Lok Satta party today stressed the need to have a national, tangible and universally-acceptable criterion to reorganize states.Releasing its 117-page report to Justice Srikrishna Committee on situation in Andhra Pradesh to media, party president Jayaprakash Narayan said, ''Language has been such a marker (criterion) so far, and all non-Hindi states are formed on the basis of one language - one state.'' ''Now we need to carefully examine other markers before setting out to reorganise our states. Neither history nor geography nor development is sufficient as a marker. Once language ceases to be a marker for state formation, we should decide what a rational criterion for the division of states is...Any ad hoc approach in one part of the country will lead to escalating demands and a cascading effect elsewhere. Therefore, a rational and deliberate approach based on consensus and longterm interests is critical.'' Tracing the present crisis in Andhra Pradesh to ''genuine grievances of political disempowerment and a sense of lack of regional autonomy'', the report said, ''the local governments in Andhra Pradesh lost dynamism because they did not enjoy functional freedom, suffered from paucity of funds and, and bureaucracy was strengthened at their cost. Despite the passing of the 73rd and the 74th Constitutional amendments, real empowerment of the local governments has not taken place in Andhra Pradesh. A trend of over-centralization of political power coupled with the abolishment of the empowered, constitutional forum of Andhra Pradesh Regional Committee in 1973 has deepened the sense of political disempowerment and political alienation.'' The report recommended that institutional arrangements be made immediately to address the concerns and aspirations of Telangana and other backward regions in Andhra Pradesh. ''The arrangements can be taken up complementary to any efforts towards evolving a final settlement of the regional aspirations in Andhra Pradesh.''

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