Thursday, April 22, 2010

Evolve strategies to combat terrorist, cyber crimes:Governor

Hyderabad, Apr 22: Andhra Pradesh Governor ESL Narasimhan today called upon officers of armed forces to be aware of their responsibilities in the wake of complexities and unpredictability of the issues confronting the country that has changed the security paradigm. Delivering the valedictory address of the Higher Defence Management Course-05 at the College of Defence Management (CDM) here, the Governor, expressing concern over the growing external threats, said the situation had become more difficult with factors like globalisation, convergence, networking and technological advancements, cyber crimes, state and non-state actors, criminals and terrorist linkages.He called for better understanding of the convergence of interest among state and non-state players, facilitators and criminal elements, all of whom operate with the sole aim of destabilising India. He said security agencies should build up a core team of specialists to evolve strategies to combat such problems effectively. Asserting that India needed to build up capacity to anticipate events and should be more reactive than proactive in meeting the threats, he underlined the need for drawing up strategies. On the issue of technology, he acknowledged its use by the armed forces as a force multiplier. What needed was to take it further ahead and use it to forecast threats, he added. Cautioning cyber terrorism as the major threat of the next decade, the Governor outlined the need to take such threats more seriously.He said ''preventing cyber crimes was highly questionable as we have done a little to combat this threat and in spite of general awareness, it was persisting to be a weakness in our system.'' Most of the security systems like radars and communication equipments were prone to sabotage by inimical elements, he added.

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