Friday, March 5, 2010

Commemorating International Women’s Day 2010: A backgrounder

(PIB NEWS) The Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India, is organising a series of events to commemorate the occasion of International Women’s Day that is celebrated worldwide on the 8th of March every year. In the run up to the International Women’s Day, the following events are being organised on 6th and 7th of March.
Women’s Leadership Summit,The Women’s Leadership Summit is an attempt by the Ministry of Women and Child Development to showcase achievements of women who have excelled in different fields. This event, the first of its kind, will be inaugurated by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India. Smt. Meira Kumar, the Hon’ble Speaker of the Lok Sabha will deliver a special address on this occasion. Women achievers from diverse fields like the corporate sector, banking, economics, microfinance, media, science, sports, education and law will be present and share their experiences to inspire other women and girls to take on the challenges and excel in their chosen fields. The central theme of the Summit is ‘Inclusive Growth and Empowering Women of Rural India’. This theme is a reflection and reaffirmation of the Government’s commitment to the principle of inclusion that is firmly rooted in our democratic fabric and remains an intrinsic part of our development agenda. With the objective of encouraging debate and discussion on steps required to ensure inclusive growth, two panel discussions will be organised. The panellists, who are achievers in their respective fields, will address the challenges faced by Indian women today in harnessing their potential to become leaders in every arena, be it the family, community, organisation or nation. This Leadership Summit by celebrating the exemplary achievements of women in diverse fields, will motivate women to undertake their own journeys of personal growth.
National Consultation on Access to Justice, Relief and Rehabilitation of Rape VictimsIt has been felt that the existing laws on sexual assault don’t address the true nature or deal with various types of sexual assault experienced by women in the country. A Bill aiming to address these gaps is already under consideration. Ministry of Women and Child Development welcomes this step. To take the discussion beyond the existing legislative framework and the need for reforms to other needs of victims, National Consultation on Access to Justice, Relief and Rehabilitation of Rape Victims is being organised on 7th March. The Hon'ble Chief Justice of India and the Hon'ble Minister of Law and Justice will grace the occasion as Chief Guest and Special Plenary Speaker, respectively. The Consultation would have two panel discussions. The first session would focus on 'Legal Framework relating to Sexual Assault.’ This session would be chaired by Hon’ble Justice Ms. Gita Mittal, Judge, High Court of Delhi. The panellists would comprise senior Government Officers, eminent legal practitioners as well as civil society organizations who have demonstrated commitment in ensuring gender justice and equality through activism and advocacy. The objective of the panel discussion would be to elicit opinions within the legislative domain on provisions that need reform as well as to identify new provisions that are gender specific.The second session would be a panel discussion on proposed ‘Scheme for Relief to and Rehabilitation of Victims of Rape'. Hon’ble Justice Ruma Pal, former Judge, Supreme Court of India would chair the session. The panel members would comprise eminent persons who have experience of dealing with various aspects of the issue. The proposed scheme is under formulation in the Ministry to provide relief to victims and facilitate their rehabilitation by providing assistance to overcome the physical and psychological trauma as well as economic hardship.

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