Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Steps taken to promote Unani Medicine in the Country

(PIB NEWS) I. National Institute of Unani Medicine (NIUM)

In order to promote the formal study of Unani system of medicine the Government of India has set up the National Institute of Unani Medicine (NIUM) at Bangalore in the year 1984. NIUM has a strength of 74 PG students. In addition to the 5 PG courses currently being offered it plans to commence 8 new PG Degree courses in two phases. NIUM also plans to commence PG Diploma Courses in Unani Medicine in Regimental Therapy, Pharmacy and Skin Disorders. In addition collaborative clinical studies on major diseases with other scientific organisations/industries are being undertaken.
II.Central Council of Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM)
i.The CCRUM is being developed as a Nodal Centre for Continuing Medical Education (CME) and Reorientation of Training Programme (ROTP) for teaching faculty in Unani medicine and private practitioners in Unani medicine.
ii.Unani drugs developed by the CCRUM are being introduced in NRHM programme.
iii.New centres in the states/Union territory where Unani infrastructure is presently not available are being set up.
iv. C.C.R.U.M. is also being developed as a Nodal centre for Research Registry in Unani System of Medicine.
v.Organisation of Health Camps on large scale particularly in Western Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Andhra Pradesh has been done under Public Health Intervention.
vi. Standards of 150 single/compound drugs have been finalized.
vii. Extra Mural Research Projects (EMR) are being taken up.
III. Other central sector scheme
The other central sector schemes of the Department of AYUSH under which it is planned to promote Unani system of medicine are:
(A) Under the Centers of Excellence Scheme the Department of AYUSH has identified and granted financial assistance for following projects:
i. Naimat Science Academy, Chennai for upgrading into Center of Excellence for Unani Regimental Therapy, at a cost of Rs. 250 lakhs.
ii. Sahara Foundation, Hyderabad for upgrading and establishing “Dr. Ahmed Ashraf Memorial Unani Specialty Treatment Center for Paralysis (Falij)” at a cost of Rs. 250.56 lakhs.
iii. Ibn-e-sina Academy, Aligarh at a cost of Rs. 100 lakhs.
(B) Various Unani institutes/NGOs are being supported under different schemes of the department like Public Health Initiatives, Acquisition, Cataloging, Digitization & Publication of text books etc.
(C) Two state level Government Unani Colleges (Government Nizamia Tibbia College, Hyderabad, A.P. and Government Ayurvedic & Unani College, Karol Bagh, Delhi) have been identified for upgrading as National Institutes at a cost of Rs. 50 crore each. This information was given by Minister of State for Health & Family Welfare, Shri S. Gandhiselvan in written reply to a question raised in Rajya Sabha today.

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